Your Pain Is Safe With Me.
We are all human beings, and you are not alone. You don’t have to travel this world all by yourself. Let’s travel together – I can help lighten your load, ease your pain, soften your anxiety, and cast light into the shadows. I’m here to walk alongside you.
You Drag Around A Constant Gripping Anxiety That Twists Your Insides.
There’s an anxious pit in your stomach each morning when you first wake.
It’s that deep ache that twists your belly into a knot and then lingers throughout each day. You can usually distract with work and happy hours, but when you’re alone, with time to think, you’re ANXIOUS and LONELY.
Imagine Finally Un-Clenching The Grip, And Instead Feeling Peaceful, Hopeful and Optimistic Each Day.
You’re Afraid Your Friends or Partner Will Abandon You.
You feel DISCONNECTED from others and you’re never sure if they’ll stick around. After seeing friends, you worry you’ve said something wrong, or that people don’t want to be your friend anymore. You’re scared if you don’t show up to a group activity, you’ll be left behind, no longer part of the crew.
Imagine Instead Feeling So Sure of Your Relationships, You Simply Never Worry. Imagine Even Being Able to Skip Plans, And Not Think Twice.
You have trouble explaining why you’re valuable and lovable.
When you’re asked to share a fun fact about yourself or speak about your strengths, you feel stuck, and all of the things you’re self conscious about come to mind instead. You’re not sure what you have to offer, and when you try to think of something, you’re forced to notice your emptiness and sadness.
Imagine Instead Immediately Thinking of Lots of Things You Love About You.
All Of These Imaginations Can Really Be Yours.
Live a life that feels joyful, CONNECTED, loving and SUPPORTED.
Together, we’ll heal the hurts of the past and help you see that you’re WORTHY, that it’s OKAY and NORMAL to need other people, and that you can build relationships that support and nourish you, so you don’t have to be alone.
I Can Help You Get There.
Feel whole, vibrant, connected, loved, and like life is yours to enjoy.
Create a life that feels healthy and free.
Call (720) 432-3842 now to start your healing journey.
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