Pricing and Packages

Everyone’s favorite part about therapy is payment, right?

Of course, that’s not true, but I do structure my cost to help create a fair pricing structure for my clients.

It’s important to me that you feel like your wellbeing is a big part of my business (because it is… that is the whole reason I am here), and you’ll see below that I’ve created options to help you navigate payment in a way that works best for you.

My per-session rate is $100 if you’re scheduling on a session-by-session basis. This is a completely normal and absolutely acceptable way to engage in therapy. When you schedule and how you schedule is your prerogative, and I encourage you to choose the option that feels safest for you. If that means scheduling one session at a time, that’s splendid.

If you would like to consider bulk purchases, below you’ll find some info about why that can be beneficial.

Pricing Packages

First, let’s start with why I do pricing packages.

There are a few good reasons why it makes sense to buy therapy sessions in bulk. Having just one therapy session and stopping can sometimes be more harmful that not beginning therapy at all. Think of it this way – if you come into your first session and take the lids off several scary storage boxes in your mind that you keep firmly shut most of the time, those lids may still be open when you leave. And if you don’t come back for another session to start to actually work on the stuff in each of those boxes, you may feel exposed; you may feel the effects of those hardships more acutely than you usually do.

The things in those boxes may now have free rein to hop out to say hello and surprise you whenever they’d like. And knowing you don’t have another session lined up can cause some additional anxiety around that exposure. That discomfort may counterintuitively keep you from scheduling another therapy session, because it may feel like therapy was the cause of that pain and exposure, even though those things were already there, and we just started to look at them for the first time. Our egos can be finicky characters that do things like avoid therapy when we’re feeling pain, even though it’s the source of healing, not the source of the pain… annoying but true.

On the contrary, if you know that you have 5 sessions already purchased and ready to go, that safety net can automatically reduce that anxiety that is simply arising about whether or not to reschedule, because you already know you’ll be coming back. You won’t even have to think about it. The anxiety about those lids being open is also diminished because you have the promise of another session and moving closer to healing; you know that you won’t have to handle those challenges alone.

Packages are sounding pretty sweet already, huh?

Another benefit of purchasing a package of sessions is cost savings (woo!).

Rather than spending $100 per session, you’re immediately reducing your per-session cost. So not only do you spend less, you guarantee your next several sessions, AND you don’t have to think about payment after each session; you can just walk out the door and say “see ya next time!”

By the way, having a package lined up effects the way that I conduct therapy as well.

My first and most important priority as a therapist is to keep you safe. I am constantly, continuously considering your safety and wellbeing as I navigate our therapy together. If you’re scheduling one session at a time, especially at the beginning when we’re still learning about each other, my caution level will be higher, because I won’t have the definite knowledge you’ll be back. And that is A-OK if that is how you would like to operate. I’m certainly not suggesting there is anything wrong with that.

My point is that therapy might be a bit slower to progress, because I’ll be taking great care not to expose something that may feel too heavy to carry alone should you decide not to return. I am perfectly comfortable working in this way – it’s certainly the more common way to schedule therapy sessions. This is just an important consideration when you’re pondering your therapy journey.

On the other hand, if you have a package of sessions, and we’re scheduled five weeks out, we may be able to get straight to some deeper stuff sooner, because we’ll both feel the safety of knowing you’ll be back very soon and therapy will be here to support you along the way.

Alright, enough words, words, words…

What do the intro packages look like?

Talk Therapy Intro Package:

  • 5 Talk Therapy Sessions: $450 ($10/session savings)
  • 10 Talk Therapy Sessions: $850 ($15/session savings)
  • 20 Talk Therapy Sessions: $1,600 ($20/session savings)

Reiki Intro Package:

  • 5 Reiki Sessions: $450 ($10/session savings)
  • 10 Reiki Sessions: $850 ($15/session savings)
  • 20 Reiki Sessions: $1,600 ($20/session savings)

Combo Intro Package

  • 5 Talk Therapy Sessions + 5 Reiki Sessions: $850 ($15/session savings)
  • 10 Talk Therapy Sessions + 10 Reiki Sessions: $1,600 ($20/session savings)
  • 20 Talk Therapy Sessions + 20 Reiki Sessions: $3,000 ($25/session savings)

To schedule your appointment or for more information about specific packages, please call: (720) 432-3842.